Sunday, October 31, 2010


Walter Gropious founded Bauhaus architecture in Germany in the 1920s. Bauhaus inspired buildings are usually cubic and favor 90 degrees angle with a plan open floor plan. It shys aways from decoration and stays with a asymmetrical pattern of design.

The Bauhaus school of design was open from1919 to 1933. The concepts taught were greatly influenced by the machine age. The school advised its 700 students to forget everything they knew about design and targeted to merge all the arts under the concept of design.  With students such as Vassily Kandinsky, Lyonel Feininger, and Paul Klee one can see that The Bauhaus school of design was prominent.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

an andalusian dog

If i was asked to explain this short film in one word it would definitely have to be STRANGE. The beginning scene with the eyeball being sliced open almost made my stomach turn as much as it did sunday night when i saw jackass in 3d. Although it was really weird, i thought it worked well for having no words. Also the scene changes and effects where pretty cool. I was surprised on how good the effects were, the bugs crawling out of the hand, the woman's underarm hair appearing over the guys mouth, and the scene changes from the guy rubbing the woman clothed switching to a woman naked are just some of the scenes i thought were executed very well.

grid assignment

7 deadly sins confessional

Saturday, October 23, 2010

videogames & movies

Gaming has become a major part of our culture. So big in fact that with almost every action movie that comes out, a video game is usually released soon after it. I feel that this is done for many different reasons, not only does it promote the actual movie, it promotes the gaming industry as a whole. When people go out and buy a video game and really get into it they are more likely to go out and see the movie, or even stop while flipping through channels just from recognizing the title alone. The gaming industry is growing bigger and bigger and with all these new systems and gadgets, I don't see this industry stopping anytime soon. These games act as a major promotional frame for movies and likewise with the movies for the games.

History of Tetris

Tetris was created in June 1985 by Alexey Pazhitnov. Before researching the actual history of the game I always thought of it as a game we all know and love,  regardless of  how long ago it was actually created it will always be a part of gaming history. The history of how it was legally tendered it much more of a headache then any video game can ever give you. To briefly summarize a hectic mess of legal issues and a bunch of different names, Tetris was the new hot product on the market and multiple people were trying to get their hands on the rights to the game in order to distribute it with their company's name stamped on the back. Detailed summary here

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My experience with was very interesting. After several minutes of browsing through the site I found that the Timeline of Television was very interesting and related to many of the material and discussions we have had in previous classes. I really liked the point that culture created television but television created culture at the same time. It amazed me that concepts of the television started to arise as early as 1925. My favorite part of the timeline was the pictures they provided with each year's description. I was able to see tons of television sets that i never knew existed. My visit to mztv was definitely eye-opening and informative!

Thursday, October 7, 2010 blog

The article on was very interesting. It is fascinating to see how far the camera has come since the beginning. The article was also very insightful because not only did it supply information about how far cinema has come but it also gave examples of movies that changed along with time.  Spanning from the 1902 movie " A Trip to the Moon" to one of the best digital 3D films "Avatar"  showed me the breakthroughs that have been discovered over the last century. It made me appreciate how lucky we are to be able to go to the movies and be able to be blown away by digital creations.

flipbook photos

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


When I called my Mom and asked her if  she has ever seen the movie Earthquake she said, " No, isn't that movie really old"?
My Dad said he didn't really remember much about it but he remembered that, "they made the music really loud so the theater would shake". He also said that there were a lot of movies about natural disasters at that time.

Singing in the Rain

Singing in the Rain (1952) was a great movie. It was upbeat, happy, funny, and had a great musical side to it. The woman were dressed conservatively with no indication of sex, vulgarity, or violence. (which is very rare to find in any current movies) There was no foul language or anything remotely disturbing. Seventeen years later (1970) Clockwork Orange came out. This movie did not follow the same guidelines or principles that Singing in the Rain followed. There was violence, murder, rape, and corruption throughout the movie. I found Clockwork Orange to be very disturbing in certain parts which is the total opposite feeling I got from Singing in the Rain.