Thursday, December 9, 2010

bullionaire site link

ExPl0riNG new media site

i thought this website was really cool. i explored many of the art related to technology links but the two that stand out in my mind most was the electronic keyboard and the cardboard racing game. The concept and the way of the electronic keyboard video was recording the awesome, but the light synchronization with the guys fingers didn't match up good enough for me to be blown away.

The cardboard racing game was my favorite project. I loved remote control cars as a kid which really drew me into the whole concept. It is so cool, its like you are in an arcade yet controlling your surrounding in real time.

piplotti rist

Piplotti Rist is a well known performance artist. Although I find her performances kind of annoying, i find the actual quality of her work to be very impressive.  Her video we watched in class,"im not the girl who misses much" showed her artistic abilites with the camera. The way she distorted herself and the overall film (made and unbearably annoying video of girl jumping around) into a work of art. After researching some of her work, i found her "homo sapiens installations" much more appealing then some of her performances. I like her use of vibrant colors and they way she works with the human body.


musique concrete.

Started in 1940 by Pierre Schaeffer, music was about to be taken to a level that has never been explored before. Concrete artists were influenced by their surroundings and use of random objects around them to create noise they would later distort with the technology available to them. Concrete music gives the artist and opportunity to take sounds and distort them by playing them backwards,using repetition,ect. Tape recorders played such a major part in this movement because it meant even the most basic sounds could be transformed into something extraordinary. The overall movement reminds me of electronic music.